Whether you're in school or taking a professional certification test, taking a test is always stressful. You may think that having someone else take your test would be the best way to get good grades and pass easily. But cheating on tests isn't worth it in the long run. Let's dive deeper into why you should avoid cheating when taking tests. Learning vs. Memorizing The biggest problem with having someone take a test for you is that it doesn't teach you anything. Sure, you may get the grade you want, but what if the material comes up again? When someone takes your test for you, all you are doing is memorizing facts rather than actually learning them. Memory is great for short-term recall but not so much for long-term retention of information. Even if you do manage to memorize the material, when it comes time for more complex tasks like an essay or project, there won't be anyone to do it for you! Self-Esteem and Confidence Cheating can also have an impact on your s...
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